The alarm rang at 6:45am sharp. Kofi Shrinks jumped out of his bed in a black tuxedo look for his thick glasses.
" Where did I put my glasses today?" yelled Kofi. After 20 minutes of looking for his glasses he realized that they were on his bald head. " Yea man I found my glasses! "said Kofi in excitement.
It was 7:22 am by the time he was out of the shower Kofi ran down the stairs. " I feel like... I feel like I'm finally tall!" exclaimed Kofi forgetting the fact that those shoes made him 4 inches taller. He quickly grabbed his McDonald's name tag and his red/yellow bow tie. " Mann it feels good to manage my favourite restaurant... McDonald's!"
Kofi ran out the front door and jumped into his McDonald's themed car. He was almost there. All he had to do was get there before 8:00am, and all of a sudden an elderly woman started crossing the road. " Come Onnn... ugh... Move it Grandma!" said Kofi in a sudden rage of anger. Right at that very moment an idea struck him. " Why don't I just wear that Ronald McDonald outfit in the backseat... nah that's going to take to long" mumbled Kofi. He looked at his phone only to discover that the time was 7:59:22 am. Thankfully the lights turned green and he sped to his favourite restaurant.
"That was close" said Kofi once he parked his car in the reserved area. Kofi leaped out of his car and sprinted through the back door. " Hello everyone! Today I shall announce the Employee of the Month!" proudly said Kofi as all 21 employees crowded him. After a short moment of silence Kofi finally spoke "... And the winner of the Employee of the Month award isss.... Myself! HA HA HA HA!"
" But how could you win you're the MANAGER!" exclaimed a familiar voice. It was "Big" Jack Heights. Jack Heights was 7 feet tall... 2 feet taller than Kofi Shrinks.
"Well it's not my fault that I'm so good at everything... in fact I think I'm the best in the world!" whispered Kofi while standing on a ladder, just reaching Jack's ear.
Everyone was annoyed of the fact that Kofi won Employee of the Month, but Big Jack looked so disturbed he quit his job while others quickly ended there shifts and left for home.
Now it was about 12:00pm and the lunch rush was just about to begin. By 1:00pm around 76 people were in his restaurant "GET TO WORK PEOPLE!OUR COSTUMERS ARE STARTIN TO WANT REFUNDS!" yelled Kofi at his now20 employees.
Kofi Shrinks hadn't realized that his thick blue glasses had fallen off as he was working on a lady's fries. "WHERE ARE MY GLASSES? WHO TOKE THEM?" demanded Kofi as soon as the lady had left the cash register . Kofi cursed like a mad man before the owner of the company finally walked into his restaurant.
While the owner was making his way to Kofi he received a phone call from the headquarters. Right at that very moment that same lady approached the cash register " Oh My God! I have glasses in my fries! I'm going to sue you!". "Wait why are we here again honey? Where did my glasses go?" asked the lady while talking to her 4 year old daughter.
Kofi somehow saw the owner of the restaurant from the corner of eye and start panicking. "Uhh ma'am those are toy glasses and umm you forgot your Oreo Mcflurry." lied Kofi. The woman didn't seem to buy this, but because one of Kofi's employee named Jesse was scared of losing this job he decided to give in and helped convince the woman. Kofi quickly replaced the fries and took his glasses. "I'm glad she didn't want a refund, those $3.25 are so special to me..." mumbled Kofi.
" Thank you Jesse and by the way... I ain't firin you any more... in fact I think..." Kofi paused as he watched his boss disappear from the restaurant.
"your getting a raise..." whispered Kofi when no one was paying attention.
Kofi bought a cheeseburger disappeared through the back door. While on his way back home he saw the same elderly lady crossing the street. Kofi got furious, but decided she might move faster if he asked nicely " umm... Can you please hurry up my hamburger's gettin cold " said Kofi. The lady didn't hear Kofi and he realized that she was asleep. Kofi exited his car and gave the lady a small push so that she wakes up from her nap. "That should help this old cheeseburger make it to the costumer!" joked Kofi before laughing like a mad man. He jumped into his McDonald's themed car before driving home and eating his cheeseburger. "AWWW MANN I GOT CHEESE ON MY TUXEDO!" yelled Kofi while eating his cheeseburger.
Friday, 27 March 2015
Wednesday, 11 March 2015
Math: Pi, radius, diameter, circumference
A = (π÷4) × D2
Example: What is the area of a circle with radius of 2cm ?
Before I start writing about the diameter, radius, and circumference of a circle I think it would be better if we know what each one is.
Here is an image that may help you understand these 3 words.

Since this image doesn't show Pi I guess I should just tell you what Pi is. Pi otherwise known as 3.14 is a mathematical constant.

The circumference of a circle is slightly more than three times as long as its diameter. The exact ratio is called π/Pi/3.14.
how do you find the circumference of a circle?
Let's pretend that the diameter of a circle is 10cm and we need to find the circumference. Well the rule to find the circumference is diameter (D) x π (3.14). 10cm x 3.14= 31.4cm, so the circumference would be 31.4cm. Since we already know that the radius is 1/2 of the diameter the rule would be 2πR (2 x 3.14 x radius, in this case 2 x 3.14 x 5).
A = π r2A = (π÷4) × D2
Example: What is the area of a circle with radius of 2cm ?
A = π × r2
A = π × 22
A = π × (2 × 2)
A = 3.14 x 4= 12.6 cm2(rounded)
If we try doing this with the diameter (4 cm) it would look like this:
A= (π÷4) × D2
A= 0.785 x 4 squared
A= 0.785 x 16cm
A= 12.6 cm2(rounded)
Area Compared to a Square or rectangle...

A circle has about 80% of the area of a similar-width square (π divided by 4= 0.785).
A = π × 22
A = π × (2 × 2)
A = 3.14 x 4= 12.6 cm2(rounded)
If we try doing this with the diameter (4 cm) it would look like this:
A= (π÷4) × D2
A= 0.785 x 4 squared
A= 0.785 x 16cm
A= 12.6 cm2(rounded)
Area Compared to a Square or rectangle...

A circle has about 80% of the area of a similar-width square (π divided by 4= 0.785).
How do you find the area of a circle?
To find the area of a circle we need to know the radius of the circle (keep in mind that if you get the diameter you just divide it by 2 and do the rest of the steps) Once you know the radius of a circle you multiply it by itself and then by π (. If you're given the circumference then you need to: divide the Circumference by π to get the diameter and then divide it by 2 to get the Radius and then complete the steps which have already been given.
You can also find the area of a circle by using a parallelogram.
Mindset: Fixed vs Growth
There are two different mind-sets that a person can have ( either a fixed mind-set or a growth mind-set), and they can both change the way a person thinks, acts, or behaves. So which mind-set do you have and how can you change the way think if you have a fixed mind-set?
Well, some people believe that a person is born smart, dumb, or average and stays like that forever, but this isn't true, its actually an example of a fixed mind-set. A person with a fixed mind-set assumes that our character, intelligence, and creative ability can't be changed, which usually causes them to think negatively about themselves. Some people think so negatively about themselves that: they stop doing their homework, dislike school and sports, stay upset, and prefer easier challenges. I don't believe that this is a valid theory as it is scientifically proven that you can increase your level of intelligence.
Dr.Dweck and her colleagues wanted to discover the impact that both mind-sets have on various grade 7 students. She gave the students ten fairly challenging problems from a nonverbal IQ test, and then offered 2 types of praise:" Wow you got [X many] right. That's a very good score. You must be smart at this," while others," Wow you got [X many] right. That's a very good score. You must have worked really hard." In other words some were praised for their ability and others for their effort. What they discovered was that students that were praised for their ability went into a fixed mind-set and the ones praised for their effort went into a growth mind-set. Both mind-sets are like two different worlds and something so small like the way someone is praised can change the way you think.
As we all know there are 2 different mind-sets so lets start with a growth mind-set. A person with a growth mind-set is always wiling to learn and doesn't worry about doing poorly on a test, making a mistake, or how they look. They care more about learning from their mistakes than scoring well on a test and can take criticism without breaking down. A person with a growth mind-set is also more likely to be successful than a person with a fixed mind-set, and have a higher level of intelligence. So what would a person with a fixed mind-set be like?
Well, some people believe that a person is born smart, dumb, or average and stays like that forever, but this isn't true, its actually an example of a fixed mind-set. A person with a fixed mind-set assumes that our character, intelligence, and creative ability can't be changed, which usually causes them to think negatively about themselves. Some people think so negatively about themselves that: they stop doing their homework, dislike school and sports, stay upset, and prefer easier challenges. I don't believe that this is a valid theory as it is scientifically proven that you can increase your level of intelligence.
Dr.Dweck and her colleagues wanted to discover the impact that both mind-sets have on various grade 7 students. She gave the students ten fairly challenging problems from a nonverbal IQ test, and then offered 2 types of praise:" Wow you got [X many] right. That's a very good score. You must be smart at this," while others," Wow you got [X many] right. That's a very good score. You must have worked really hard." In other words some were praised for their ability and others for their effort. What they discovered was that students that were praised for their ability went into a fixed mind-set and the ones praised for their effort went into a growth mind-set. Both mind-sets are like two different worlds and something so small like the way someone is praised can change the way you think.
I don't know why, but most students I know have a growth mind-set for almost every subject except for core French, History, and mathematics. I'm almost the opposite of my peers as I have a growth mind-set for each subject with the exception of drama. So my question is which mind-set do you have? If you are not able to answer my question I suggest you visit for a mind-set quiz.
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